Detect & Alert
We let you know immediately if there is suspicious activity on your network, if your patching is up to date and if there are any vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers. We help you manage risk proactively.
Safeguard & Improve
We crosscheck activity on your network against known malware, vulnerabilities, attack patterns and insider threat indicators using machine learning and advanced analytics to ensure your business is protected.
Respond & Restore
If your business becomes a victim of cybercrime Hilltop will work with you from start to finish to help fix the issue. Hilltop’s Vauban is the only platform that provides full, immediate operational recovery in the event of a security breach.
Our unique approach uses all-source intelligence fusion methods to increase the speed and accuracy of threat detection allowing us to remediate threats much faster.
Vauban provides customers with a full spectrum endpoint security solution that includes monitoring, early warning detection of advanced threats, and incident handling support.
Vauban collects all of our customer’s security event data, then processes and analyze it in seconds to produce actionable incidents. We work with our customer’s administrators to identify suspicious activities in network traffic that can indicate if an attack is underway and stop it.

The Vauban Platform
Sebastian Vauban was a Marshal of France and the foremost military engineer of his age. The star-shaped fortresses Vauban built were unbreachable as a result of his application of three design principles that are relevant for today’s cybersecurity challenges
Complete visibility of all possible attack paths
The ability to project force and hunt attackers rather than remain on the defense
Long term sustainability through rapid regeneration of resources
The Vauban platform embodies these design principles by ensuring costumers have full visibility of all entry and exit points to their network with the ability to proactively strike back at cyber criminals and rapidly restore compromised assets.
The Vauban platform provides foundational capabilities that support advanced security operations to ensure your business in secure and resilient.
Continuous Monitoring and Analysis

Vauban Functionality
Role-based dashboads for all stakeholders with a common operational picture
Endpoint agents for collecting and pre-processing security events
Ticketing system with collaboration and workflow capabilities for efficient work execution and incorporation of third party subject matter experts
Automated playbooks and event management for automating analysis and response activities
Enterprise service bus chassis for easy data sharing, API integration and interoperability with existing investments
Full incident management capability with continuous context analysis and blockchain-based evidence locker
Asset, scenario and event risk analysis
Full auditability of decisions, approvals and actions taken